
[Android]Publish your app for Android Wear 2.0

Google先生からアプリをAndroid Wear2.0に対応するよう言われた。


Hello Google Play Developer,
Android Wear 2.0 is launching in early February 2017. It includes a new on-watch Play Store to help users discover apps right on their wrist.

Issue: Your app, <Your app name>, uses a legacy embedded APK mechanism that is not optimized for Android Wear 2.0. If you do not take action, users will not be able to search for and find your app in the on-watch Play Store.

Action requested:
Follow the Android Wear 2.0 App Distribution documentation to make sure your app is available in the on-watch Play Store. Key steps are listed below:
  1. Set your APKs to minSdkVersion 23 or higher and use the runtime permissions model.
  2. Target your APKs to watches by requiring "android.hardware.type.watch" in the manifest.
  3. Specify whether your APKs are standalone and can run on watches paired to iPhones.
  4. Upload your APKs via multi-APK using the Developer Console.


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