PC(Python) <-usb-> ArduinoMicro <-gpio->matrix led
8x8マトリックスモジュールキット K-LED8X8M7219
連結可能なminiブレッドボード BBD-170SP
$easy_install psutilコードはこんなん
import psutil import serial ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0', 96000) ps_interval = 0.1 while True: percent = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=ps_interval , percpu=True) sendData = ("[" + ",".join(str(x) for x in percent) + "]") ser.write(sendData) ps_interval = max(0.3, sum(percent) / len(percent) / 100)
/*MatrixLED Display*/ # define DISP_USAGE_0 0x00 # define DISP_USAGE_1 0x01 # define DISP_USAGE_2 0x03 # define DISP_USAGE_3 0x07 # define DISP_USAGE_4 0x0f # define DISP_USAGE_5 0x1f # define DISP_USAGE_6 0x3f # define DISP_USAGE_7 0x7f # define DISP_USAGE_8 0xff /*Serial Definitions*/ # define MAX_LENGTH 62 char dat[MAX_LENGTH]; // Serial strings int count = 0; // Serial strings count /*Port Definitions*/ const int Max7219_pinCLK = 10; const int Max7219_pinCS = 9; const int Max7219_pinDIN = 8; void Write_Max7219_byte(unsigned char DATA) { unsigned char i; digitalWrite(Max7219_pinCS, LOW); for (i = 8; i >= 1; i--) { digitalWrite(Max7219_pinCLK, LOW); digitalWrite(Max7219_pinDIN, DATA & 0x80); // Extracting a bit data DATA = DATA << 1; digitalWrite(Max7219_pinCLK, HIGH); } } void Write_Max7219(unsigned char address, unsigned char dat) { digitalWrite(Max7219_pinCS, LOW); Write_Max7219_byte(address); //address,code of LED Write_Max7219_byte(dat); //data,figure on LED digitalWrite(Max7219_pinCS, HIGH); } void Init_MAX7219(void) { Write_Max7219(0x09, 0x00); //decoding :BCD Write_Max7219(0x0a, 0x00); //brightness Write_Max7219(0x0b, 0x07); //scanlimit;8 LED Write_Max7219(0x0c, 0x01); //power-down mode:0,normal mode:1 Write_Max7219(0x0f, 0x00); //test display:1;EOT,display:0 Write_Max7219(0x01,DISP_USAGE_1);//Init views Write_Max7219(0x02,DISP_USAGE_2); Write_Max7219(0x03,DISP_USAGE_3); Write_Max7219(0x04,DISP_USAGE_4); Write_Max7219(0x05,DISP_USAGE_5); Write_Max7219(0x06,DISP_USAGE_6); Write_Max7219(0x07,DISP_USAGE_7); Write_Max7219(0x08,DISP_USAGE_8); } void writeCpuUsage(char* usage, int usage_length) { char char_usage[6]; int char_usage_now = 0; int str_now = 0; for(int line = 1 ;line <= 8; line++) { char_usage[0] = '0'; char_usage_now = 0; for(char_usage_now = 0 ;str_now < usage_length && char_usage_now < 6 ; str_now++) { if(usage[str_now] >= 48 && // 0 usage[str_now] <= 57 ) { // 9 char_usage[char_usage_now] = usage[str_now]; char_usage_now++; } else if(usage[str_now] == '.' || usage[str_now] == ',' || usage[str_now] == ']' ) { //Ignore the decimal point while(usage[str_now] != ',' && usage[str_now] != ']') { str_now++; } str_now++; break; } } char_usage[char_usage_now+1] = '\0'; Write_Max7219(line, getDispUsage(atoi(char_usage))); } } unsigned char getDispUsage(int usage) { if(usage < 5) return DISP_USAGE_0; else if (usage < 20) return DISP_USAGE_1; else if (usage < 35) return DISP_USAGE_2; else if (usage < 50) return DISP_USAGE_3; else if (usage < 60) return DISP_USAGE_4; else if (usage < 70) return DISP_USAGE_5; else if (usage < 80) return DISP_USAGE_6; else if (usage < 90) return DISP_USAGE_7; return DISP_USAGE_8; } void setup() { pinMode(Max7219_pinCLK,OUTPUT); pinMode(Max7219_pinCS,OUTPUT); pinMode(Max7219_pinDIN,OUTPUT); delay(50); Init_MAX7219(); Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { String usage; while (Serial.available() > 0) { dat[count] = Serial.read(); if (count > MAX_LENGTH - 2 || dat[count] == ']') { dat[count] = '\0'; writeCpuUsage(dat, count); count = 0; } else { count++; } } delay(10); }
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